A list of films and shows i love and why.
It's hard to pin down one definative favourite genre so here is a few:
any kind, from psychological to gore(if you have any good recs leave them in my chat :])
AHHHH the dandan anime and uzumaki anime are coming out and they look so good, ive read dandan recently and i loved it, a great romance anime thats both funny and witty. Junji ito is just an amazing horror writer and uzumaki is such an awesome manga!!! ٩(◕‿◕)۶
Is anyone ever "finished" one piece? i'm only watching the anime so im up to the most recent episodes
insane show
where to watch(for free)
Nobody wants to actually pay for things especially not TV so here are some sites to watch shows for free ive found while on the web ;]
ALWAYS USE AN AD BLOCKER AND VPN no one wants a virus, i'd recommend ublockorgin for an ad blocker and nord VPN.